Sunday, May 2, 2010

Custom Deck Construction Mississippi 601 212 5433

Save time Bob or Michael for free estimates...601 212 5433 pt 601 750 2274

With all of the advancements in product development in the last several years, people are finding more choices for their projects than they know what to do with. Be sure to ask about all of your potential choices before making a firm decision on a certain color or manufacturer’s product. There is no perfect decking or railing that EVERYONE should use for their deck, but there is one that is best for YOU.

When we discuss a project with a potential client, we listen for the things that are most important and can usually make a good recommendation that will meet their needs. Now, there are over 40 different decking choices we could potentially recommend when considering all of the different colors… and there are just as many railing choices to go with those, so the number of deck looks is almost endless. When working with someone, we want to know what level of maintenance is desired, if hidden fastening is critical, what color palette seems to be preferred, if there is a general style of railing that seems to catch the person’s eye, and what kind of budget they might be working with. Once we’ve gotten a good feeling for what’s important, we can usually determine the best fit.

Take for instance, the project in the photo above, where we used Fiberon Horizon decking in the Bronze color, but built a railing with Evergrain in the Weathered Wood color…plus the balusters are from Deckorators in a Bronze color, but this shade of Bronze is different from the decking shade of Bronze!!! Sounds confusing right? Well, not to a true deck professional who is aware of all of the available product choices that might work for you. You may just think of a deck company like California Custom Decks as another place to pick up a few things for your weekend project or a reputable company who can build a nice big deck…but we do much more than that now. People rely on us to help them design, pick out colors, and educate them on how to achieve a certain look. We’ve become a sort of “exterior designer” who can do more than just drive nails with a hammer. If internet research still leaves you feeling incomplete about what you want to do, call us at 601 750 2274 Michael will help.

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